Category: Blog

  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

    Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

    Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is a 1953 American musical comedy directed by Howard Hawks, and starring Marilyn and Jane Russell.  The role of Lorelei Lee was originally intended for Betty Grable, who had been 20th Century Fox’s most popular blonde, however was given to Marilyn on her 26th birthday, June 1, 1952.  Marilyn’s star was rising…

  • Interview with Elizabeth Winder – Part Two

    Interview with Elizabeth Winder – Part Two

    In part two of my interview with Elizabeth Winder, the author talks about Marilyn’s legacy today,  why she chose to cover that particular time in Marilyn’s life and what she admires most about the actress. What do you think is her legacy today & what part did her time in NY play in that? I’m…

  • Interview with Elizabeth Winder – Part One

    Interview with Elizabeth Winder – Part One

    This week I’m focusing on an interview with Elizabeth Winder, journalist and author.  She lives in Washington, D.C. and has written Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, and more recently, Marilyn in Manhattan. I spoke to Elizabeth last month about her reasons for picking Marilyn as a subject and what she learned in…

  • Marilyn and Arthur Miller – Part Two

    Marilyn and Arthur Miller – Part Two

    In the period following their first meeting in 1951, Marilyn and Arthur Miller didn’t see each other.  Miller returned to his family, while Marilyn went on to date and eventually marry Joe DiMaggio in 1954.  The marriage shortlived, ending in divorce in October 1955.  It was also in 1955 that Marilyn decided to move to…

  • Marilyn and Frank Sinatra

    Marilyn and Frank Sinatra

    Marilyn  and Frank Sinatra became friends during the making of The Misfits in 1960.  Not long after arriving in Reno the cast and crew were invited to his show at Cal Neva’s Indian room.  It is possible that they knew each other during her marriage to Joe DiMaggio (DiMaggio and Sinatra were friends that time)…

  • Arthur Miller – The Early Years – Part One

    Arthur Miller – The Early Years – Part One

    Arthur Miller was born on October 17, 1915, in Harlem, New York.  He was the second of three children born to Augusta and Isidore Miller and was of Polish-Jewish descent.  Miller’s father owned a successful clothing manufacturing business and the family led a comfortable life.  They owned a home in Manhattan, had a summer home…

  • Marilyn’s Pucci Fashion

    Marilyn’s Pucci Fashion

    Marilyn’s fashion changed over the last two years of her life.  She started wearing Pucci in 1961 as she liked the wrinkle free silk designs that clung to her body.  Upon first discovering Pucci’s designs in a Fifth Avenue store, Marilyn remarked to Susan Strasberg; “Gee, if it fits the hanger that well, imagine what it…

  • The Funeral of Marilyn Monroe

    The Funeral of Marilyn Monroe

    The funeral of Marilyn Monroe was held on Wednesday, 8th August 1962 at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles. In the absence of Marilyn’s half-sister Berniece Miracle – who lived 500 miles away and was making her way to Los Angeles – her former husband, Joe DiMaggio, asked if he and Marilyn’s business…

  • Marilyn’s Death – Who Was To Blame?

    Marilyn’s Death – Who Was To Blame?

    When news of Marilyn’s death was announced on 5th August 1962 there was widespread shock.  People, women in particular, felt that they could have helped her if they had only known the full extent of  her problems. The reality, 55 years on, is that the only people who could have helped Marilyn were the very…

  • Loving Marilyn Monroe

    Loving Marilyn Monroe

    I have been fascinated by Marilyn Monroe for over 20 years. My first memory of Marilyn is that Some Like It Hot was on television every Christmas Day for years.  I always tried to watch it, but never saw the full movie as dinner interrupted it each time. I can remember the year I finally…